Agaroshindur Sufia-Aftab Eye Hospital
Agaroshindur Sufia-Aftab Eye Hospital (ASAEH) was established in October 2000 as Agaroshindur Community Hospital with financial assistance from Japanese Embassy for addressing maternal, child and adolescent girls' health care as well as for providing basic health care services to the poorest community of Pakundia Upzilla in Kishoreganj district. Nari Uddug Kendra (NUK) started its "Integrated Health & Family Development Project" following the devastating flood and cyclone in 1998 in the locality. As an expansion of its health care, NUK set up the Agaroshindur Community Hospital in Agaroshindur Union under Pakundia Upzilla where there was serious lack of basic health care facilities.
The Agaroshindur Community Hospital is now retransformed as Agaroshindur Sufia-Aftab Eye Hospital. It is going to be an individual eye Hospital in Pakundia Upazilla. NUK set up the Agaroshindur Sufia-Aftab Eye Hospital in Agaroshindur where there was serious lack of eye health care facilities. Goal:
The immediate goal of the project is - sustainable improvement of the eye care service and health status of women and children in the rural community. The long-term goal is therefore to set up provision of low-cost medical services to the total population of Kishoreganj district, particularly the poorer section of Pakundia and other adjacent areas of the hospital."
- To improve awareness of safe motherhood, preventive health care and access to health services in Pakundia Upazila through the participation of the community based gender focused outreach and operation of clinic based health care facilities.
Hospital Services:
- Out Patients Department (OPD).
- Ante natal care (ANC)
- Post natal care (PNC);
- In-patients Department(IPD);
- Dental Unit;
- Physiotherapy Unit;
- Eye Care Unit;
- Treatment of general patients ;
- Immunization to Children and Women - Satellite Camp. (Eye, Dental and Blood Grouping )
- Supply quality drugs at low cost.
Diagnostic Service:
- Pathological Lab;
- Radiology(X-Ray);
- Electrocardiography (E.C.G) Unit;
- Ultra Sonogram(USG)
Department wise Achievement Status: July 2014 - June 2015
All the common patients get an opportunity of taking treatment as well as from the doctors regularly. This is an entry point of the hospital. Patients came with any sorts of health complaints entertained by the OPD reception counter and referred to the individual departments. Outdoor patients are everyday seen from 9.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Patients are referred to Anti-natal post natal care, reductive health counseling, and consultation, Pediatric, Gynae & Obstetrics, Eye, ENT and Dental departments.
Out Patients Department (OPD): Eye
To provide primary eye care service for poor rural people there is a care unit from where one ophthalmic paramedic seen and treated eye patients. He also identified cataract patients and performs cataract surgery by conducting the surgeon from Kishoreganj Eye Hospital. During the reporting period 1,297 eye patients were treated from base hospital. Male 566, Female 585 Boy 76 and Girl 70. Total Cataract Identified 452 patients and cataracts surgery 129 and 38 other surgeries were done from hospital.
General Medicine Department :
During the reporting period in General Medicine department total 236 patients were treated. Among of them Female 97, Male 43 and Boy and Boys 21, Girls 18. The 57 pregnant mothers received ANC services from that department during the period and 8 mothers received PNC care service form the department.
In Door Service:
Treatments for all general and problematical diseases are on hand by specialist doctors. The followers and the logistic support staffs help the patient for in receipt of good treatment. Indoor department is divided into two parts one is male ward & another is female & child ward. Indoor service has been started from February 2002.All the indoor services are offered through several departments/wards which are as follows:
- Medicine Ward
- Surgery Ward
- Physiotherapy Ward
- Eye Ward
Maternal and Child Care (ANC, PNC)
Anti-natal and Post-natal checkups are common and regularly maintained in the hospital. Home visits are be made by the female field organizers to all those who are pregnant or have given birth. Anti natal cares includes regular health and baby growth monitoring, checkup, health education and immunization. Total 57 pregnant were done their anti-natal and 08 patients were done the post-natal checkup from the hospital during the reporting period.
Mother and Child Care
A doctor regularly maintains medical check-up and laboratory tests for pregnant mothers including providing safe delivery services and childcare facilities. The hospital also provides family planning methods/counseling and services to eligible couples and makes contraceptives obtainable. Child growth monitoring, immunization along with other regular treatment for children is also maintained regularly.
Dental Department:
The dental department is run by a trained BDS (Dentist) and a technologist. The common and the complicated dental patients are getting proper treatment through low cost. Dental department is well equipped and ornamented department from which provides dental services for rural people. During the reporting period total 233 dental patients were taken the services from the hospital. Out of them 89 were male, 139 female and 5 were children.
Physiotherapy Department:
A well equipped Physiotherapy unit is working at ACH. The disable patients can get proper treatment through Physiotherapy unit and rehabilitated in the society. Preventing and managing pain, physical disabilities and to improve, maintain functional independence and physical performance of the rural people specially women and children NUK established a Physiotherapy center in Agaroshindur Community Hospital since 2005. Physiotherapy can cure the patient from normal pain, pain in joint, sensations problem, pain from the strike of game and sports, pain in tissue, pain in neck and back bone, paralyses etc.
There are two types of services in physiotherapy unit like patient consultations and treatment as well as therapy and therapeutic exercise. One specialized physiotherapist and one therapies assistant are given services. During the reporting period total 510 patients received treatment from physiotherapy unit. Among the patients male were 242, female 222 and boy 26 Girls 20 patients.
Pathological Lab:
Pathology department is working with well equipped from July 2002. It stared in small sphere. But now-a-days it is working more or less all verities of blood test (like Blood for routine examination, VDRL, Blood sugar, Vidal test, MP test, HBs Ag, Serum billirubin, Serum urea, Serum cretonne, ASO titer, RA test, SGPT & Serum uric acid (Urine & Stool examination, Pregnancy test also done here). Out of the total patient in base hospital 248 patients were done 281 pathological tests from the hospital.
There is a ECG unit with modernized and computerized ECG machine in Agaroshindur Community Hospital. So far patient have done their ECG examination, because of patients were suffering from hypertension, chest pai etc. Reporting period total 50 ECG have done (male 07 and female 43).
The Hospital also provides X-ray services for assisting proper diagnosis, as there are no such services in the locality. These reporting period 162 X-Ray tests have done among 142 patients.
Ultra Sonogram
Stitching Direct Care, Netherlands provided Ultra Sonogram machine for rural poor patients for their services. Hospital higher the sinologist once a week and provide a low cost service. During the reporting period total 31 patients received this service.
EPI Centre:
EPI is the Expanded Program on Immunization carried out by the government nationwide for children of 0-5 years age. Under the program BCG, Panta I, II, III, OPV, TT and measles vaccination are administered to the children. Government sponsored one of the permanent EPI center at Agaroshindur Community Hospital since June 2003. Since then it has been administering the vaccines to the groups of children of 0-5 age and pregnant women every week. Government trained the Nurses of the hospital and supplies the vaccination regularly. During the reporting period total 74 children and female received the EPI services which was provide in weekly basis in the EPI center.
The health workers also offer the following services on EPI Day:
- Ante-natal and Post-natal care (ANC, PNC);
- Tetanus Toxic vaccination for pregnant women and adolescents girls in the locality;
- Health education and
- Counseling to Pregnant Mother
Pharmacy Services
The patients get pharmacy service and can purchase all the needed drugs from ASAEH pharmacy has been set up in the hospital campus and stocked all essential medicines to ensure women's easy access into medicine and sell on a cost lower than market. During the reporting period total 1,385 patients took the medicine from the medicine shop of ASAEH.
Optical Services :
The patients get Optical service and can purchase all type of the spectacle from ASAEH optic shop has been set up in the hospital campus and stocked all type of spectacles to ensure for women's and child easy access . During the reporting period total 220 spectacles sold from optical shop of ASAEH.
Outreach Program:
Eye Camp in the Rural Community:
Team of Agaroshindur Sufia-Aftab EyeHospital organized intensive eye camps in the community level for the easy access of the eye patients specially women and get the eye services easily. During the reporting period total 47 eye camps were conducted in the community level and 2,878 eye patients were treated. Out of the total patients 1,513 were female, 1,177 were male and 89 Boys and 99 Girls.

Vision screening camp for School Students:
ASAEH conducted four vision screening camp for primary school student in the reporting period .We have arranged this camps at Govt Primary school in Pakundia upazila.
In the camp total 206 students were screened .Among of them 101 Boys and 106 girls..
The Local Chairman were presided the program . The head teacher of the school said, "This is a good activities for the school student, the poor student get benefit from this type of program and we will be aware on eye care also."
Referral of Risk Cases
The outreach programs will refer patients from satellite clinics in need of specialist care to the appropriate service at the base hospital. In special cases the base hospital also need referring patients needed tertiary hospital or specialists' attention in Dhaka or other districts town.
At a Glance Performance of Agaroshindur Community Hospital
Period: July 2014 to June 2015
Yearly Target
Out Patient Departments (OPD) Service:
Eye Department
General Patient Consultation
Dental Department
Physiotherapy Department.
Maternal & Child Care:
Anti-natal Checkup (ANC)
Post-natal Checkup (PNC)
EPI Services
Inpatient Department:
Cataracts Surgery
Other Eye Surgery
Total Health Service Provide
Pathological Laboratory, X-Ray and ECG are operating for providing essential diagnosis with well-equipped radiologist from July 2002. The services are very useful especially for the poor patients who otherwise are unable to travel to nearby district town or able to travel to the capital city for improved diagnosis and treatment. During the reporting period the details progress of the diagnosis services is given below:
Investigations Status during the Period of July 2014 to June 2015
Name of Investigation
No. of test
Staff Status of the reporting period
Total number of staff in the reporting period in ASAEH was 11 staff. Among of them female 05 and male 06.
Visitor of the Hospital:
In the reporting period two foreigner visitors came from France to visit ASAEH as representative of Solos. Dr. karlos and lauren visit the Hospital and its eye camp and others programs. Dr. karlos was an Ophthalmologist and he has screened patients in the Hospital.
Since the target groups of the hospital primarily are the poor women, children and the elderly people and the entire poor population groups of the district, most of the patients has no ability to pay the standard fees for the services. It is therefore; NUK needs external support to continue the services with subsidized rates. Hospital patient have increased then the previous year. Now hospital created more demands for the services from qualified doctors for Eye, general, dental department to provide quality health services.